Direttorju għall-Katekeżi

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Directory for Catechesis. A Pastoral Reading in terms of Keywords – Rev. Dr Carl-Mario Sultana

Direttorio per la catechesi. Una lettura pastorale in termini di parole chiave – Rev. Dr Carl-Mario Sultana



The New Directory for Catechesis


Review of the New Directory for Catechesis


Catholic Apostolate Centre Webinar Series

Webinar 1: Catechesis in the Process of Evangelisation


Webinar 2: Catechesis, Accompaniment, and Communion with the Person of Christ


Webinar 3: Catechesis and Evangelization as Laboratory of Dialogue


Webinar 4: Fostering a Culture of  Inclusion in Evangelization and Catechesis


Webinar 5: From Programs to People: Reimagining Adult Faith Formation


Webinar 6: Catechesis as a Missionary Going Forth


Webinar 7: Formation of Catechists and Catechetical Leaders